Change Your Morning

Grow Your Faith

Change your Life

Learn How 30 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life.

Take the guilt and guess-work out of growing your faith.

Your exclusive 6-page personal guide to kick-start your mornings, transform how you study the Bible, get consistent with your prayer-time, learn the simple trick to turn Bible reading into a reflection that you will take through your day, and how to read more books to improve your career, build your relationships, and grow your faith in just 30 minutes a day.

Many Christians stuggle to find the time and the know-how to grow their faith. If you had a simple guide to follow every morning to take the guilt and guess-work out of growing your faith, how would that change your life?

Learn the simple Morning Time Routine Framework we like to Call "30 To Thrive." Just 30 minutes a day is all it takes to kick-start your personal growth, emotional health, and spiritual life. Don't leave your spiritual grow up to chance.

Download the free guide now to change your morning so you can change your life!

Learn the 3 Step Morning Time Routine

30-Minutes a Day is All You Need to Change your Life!

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